It costs $865 monthly to care for each cow. Your sponsorship goes towards feed, hay, parasite control, dewormer, supplements, tooth and hoof care, housing maintenance, and supplies associated with care.
5% Sponsored
(rescued December 2018) Cloven Heart saved Charlie, along with Sydney (RIP) and his daughter Hope in 2018. Charlie lived about as free a life as a bull could have. He was free to roam a large property with a herd of cows, making babies, and watching his babies get taken to auction. There came a time when Charlie's whole family got sent to auction, but Charlie fought for his life and refused to go. We knew Charlie because when we first rescued Ava and Noah, he would bring his family to look at them and graze together even if they were on the other side of the fences. When we found out about Charlie's whole family, we became an official farm sanctuary so we could save him. Charlie is the most gentle of giants as he is 2100 lbs. He is kind to all his farm animal family and especially loves Ava and Noah, his sheep children. Thank you sponsors: Stacy, Jason
0% Sponsored
(rescued December 2018) Hope was saved as a baby, with Charlie and Sydney (RIP). She was very skittish and skeptical of us, until she had Faith. She was a baby who luckily didn't have to spend a lifetime making babies to have them all taken away from her. She doesn't have to stay pregnant for the next ten years to get her milk taken from her. She just gets to enjoy life as a cow was meant to, walking, eating, napping, loving her baby, Faith. Many people may not see that as much of a life, but many of us humans always think of those types of activities as a vacation from life. Hope is sweet, and although I say that about all the animals that life here, it's true. She is very mellow and easy going. She loves to run and kick her back feet into the air and run with her daughter, Faith. She is the best mommy in the world. |
3% Sponsored
(born September 2020) Faith was born at Cloven Heart, September 23, 2020. She is Cloven Heart's surprise baby. She is the daughter of Hope and Charlie. Faith is a true blessing of blessings because to see a such a new life grow and experience all their firsts in life is quite amazing. We have watched her grow and experience her first rain, her first snow, her first time meeting her dad, Charlie, her first time making a friend. She loves to run and play with her mom. Faith will always be safe and loved and grow up with her mom by her side. Thank you sponsors: Marsha